Organic Industrial Designer
Chr0me (b. 1997, Chicago) is a Miami based organic industrial fashion designer and social identity neuroscience PhD scholar. Their latest designs aspire to evoke manipulated liquid water input variables and a foreign state of liquid outcome such as crystallization, molds/fungi, aquarium life, and rock formations.
I Do ‘Til I Don’t
Independent fashion show in collaboration with Sienna Takabe + Madeline Minkoff presented by Wedding World Productions
Features + Collaborations
Glitch Magazine
A global platform melding print fashion and modern technology features BioMELT sunglasses
Mass Electro music duo, Chr0me + rage logic, release their latest single: ‘Ramen World’
Madeline Minkoff x Chr0meC0
A garment collaboration between knitwear artist (Minkoff) + melting industrial materials (Chr0me)
Kodd Magazine Editorial
‘By the Night Life’ editorial stylist and creative director
Electric Forest 2017
Taylor Bennett artist performance styling